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Prayer for Fall Term


As we prepare for a new year of classes,
We ask you to prepare our hearts,
And attitudes

To love our students, all of them;
To teach them with humility and authority;
To see their situations with your eyes and wisdom
That we may fairly treat them
With Justice and Mercy properly mixed;
That we may clearly communicate
Both content and expectation.

May we teach wisdom and discernment
More than facts and figures.
May we flee from indoctrination
Showing them how to think rather than what.

Grant us the energy to do all we can,
The ability to say “no,”
And the grace to be peacemakers in disputes.

May our students come eager
And either maintain or regain
Their sense of wonder.
Shield them from the things that
Distract and derail their progress.
May they teach us as well,
That we not become hardened with the familiarity of our subject.

Fill us with your Spirit, the Counselor.
May we clearly transmit the wisdom, power, love and truth
Of the Gospel
Through our example and teaching,
Such that we earn their desire
To ask the source of our light.

May our colleagues and students both
Smell the aroma of salvation around us
And turn from death to life.

And finally, grant us rest at the end of term,
That we may be renewed for the next.



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